Friday, July 20, 2012

Relax and Heal With Carrollton Tx Massage Therapy

Fit and Beautiful Medical Spa is pleased to bring massage therapy to our Carrollton medical spa. Since opening, we've been all about helping our patients be their most beautiful, healthy self through the latest advancements in cosmetic and wellness therapies. It follows naturally that we feel massage would be a great service to provide our patients - in our new, relaxing and spa-like medical facility.  In fact, many of you have asked for it - so get ready - because this new treatment is on it's way.

For centuries massage has been used to cure a number of ailments. This ancient art of healing is in fact, a standard part of the lifestyle and an accredited area of medicine in many countries. Massage can help you feel better in a number of ways. Firstly, helps improve circulation - which is a key factor in a number of systems in the body. Good circulation equals precious oxygen to the tissues of the body - helping with muscular elasticity, flexibility, and healing of injuries to soft tissue. The same concept of oxygenation supports headache relief and helps avoid depression as well.  These benefits have been said to also support a good night's rest, and improve blood pressure. The effect on the lymphatic system is great as well - supporting lymphatic drainage and metabolic elimination.

If you could do one thing for your body, on a regular basis - to feed the muscles and tissues life-giving oxygen and health they need to be healthy - it would be massage.

We are excited to bring this service to you, our patient - to help you be your most healthy.

Be well!

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Now Offerig Laser Nail Fungus Treatment In Carrollton

Is there a fungus among us? A nail fungus, that is. If so - then turn up the heat and zap them away with laser nail fungus treatments at Fit and Beautiful Medical Spa in Carrollton, Texas.

A toenail fungus infection or fingernail fungus infection can occur to anyone of any age. Of course, toenail fungus is more common, since the foot is in the shoe; a warm, moist environment for the fungus to flourish. And, t
oenail Fungus infection is the most common disease of the toenails.

Laser toenail fungus removal is the safest, fastest, most effective way to treat toenail fungus. Laser therapies for toenail fungus are shown to have a <85% effectiveness rating. Certainly, there are oral medicines to treat toenail fungus, but these have been shown to have side effects and even possible risk of specific effect to the liver.  With the odds on your side, and little to no discomfort during treatment, Laser therapies make a great option for these irritating conditions.

At Fit and Beautiful Medical Spa, we use the state of the art Candela GentleYag laser to treat nail fungus.

What to expect: The treatment itself is virtually painless, and it kills the fungal infections in the nail. It's non-invasive, and doesn't require medication. This means, no side effects or health risks. After laser nail fungus removal, it may take time for your old discolored nail to grow out and a new nail to begin forming.  Laser treatment requires no downtime - you can resume normal activities immediately following treatment. Your healthy new nail will form 3-6 months post-treatment - and will become apparent as the old, damaged nail grows out and away from the nailbed.

More than one treatment will likely be necessary. We typically advise at least three treatments spaced a month apart.

Friday, July 13, 2012

Exfoliate Your Skin Safely and Quickly With Microdermabrasion

At our Carrollton Medical Spa, we offer Diamond-Tip Microdermabrasion which is a great way to maintain glowing skin.

What is microdermabrasion?
It's a non-invasive but effective treatment performed with a special machine, designed to remove the top most layer of skin through exfoliation. We recommend it often to improve texture and tone, and help prevent acne breakouts; and microdermabrasion is safe enough to be done a few times a month.

How does it work? The tip of the wand uses natural diamond chips to gently exfoliate away dead skin cells. At the same time, the skin cells are being 'vacuumed' into the piece, leaving nothing but supple and vibrant skin behind.  This exfoliation paves the way for new skin cells to grow.

What are the benefits? Not only does the process leave your skin clean and feeling and looking great, it also stimulates circulation in the facial areas, allowing for a firmer appearance and a healthy glow. Microdermabrasion can be performed on the face, neck, chest, hands, back, and about anywhere you want to have smoother, healthier skin and is recommended to be done regularly as a part of your skincare regimen.

How much is it, and how often should I get it done? We recommend microdermabrasion at least once a month, and even twice a month as a part of a healthy skin care regimen. It can be used alone, or in conjunction with other treatments, such as chemical peels and other services. A microdermabrasion should always be performed by a licensed esthetician.

At Fit and Beautiful Medical Spa, we offer a monthly microdermabrasion membership where you can receive a regular medical microdermabrasion in our spa-like atmosphere once a month. It's such an affordable way to receive this treatment. And, as a member, you'll receive exclusive discounts and offers on other treatments and products  every month. Call us to learn more!

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Laser Skin Tightening Carrollton Texas

Our advanced laser systems are amazingly multi-functional, providing a range of solutions to a group of common skin care ailments. Our GentleMax Pro therapy provides efficient and effective treatments for Laser Hair Removal, Laser Skin Tightening, Laser Vein Reduction, and general Laser Skin Rejuvenation - quickly, and painlessly.

Certainly laser therapies can often be uncomfortable, due to the heat of the beam penetrating the skin.  Our laser is a bit different, in that it blows a blast of cool air at the exact same moment it is doing it's job to rejuvenate the skin or blast away hair follicles.

The end result - smoother, more youthful skin and no pain very little discomfort.

This week's Feature: Laser Skin Tightening: a non – surgical procedure that uses a laser to tighten skin by heating the collagen beneath the skin’s surface which stimulates new collagen growth. We generally suggest a series of 3-6 treatments over several weeks for optimal results. Call us today or stop by for a free consultation.

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Laser Skin Rejuvenation At Carrollton Tx Medspa

Welcome to our new blog, where we will share with you information about all the treatments and products we offer at our Carrollton Medical Spa to keep your skin looking it's best. We offer an array of laser therapies, such as laser hair removal, photo facial, acne treatment and skin tightening - as well as microdermabrasion, injectibles such as Botox and Juvederm and spa facials.

So whether it's to 'kick up your skin care regimen a notch', or simply relax with a spa facial in our relaxing and soothing atmosphere - Fit and Beautiful Medical Spa has the technology, the trained staff and physician on staff to meet your needs. We've also got super-convenient hours, great prices and spectacular specials.

We have everything you need - for skincare. You can get a SPA GIFT CERTIFICATE - book online, download patient forms and more on our website.

Visit us online at for more information and contact us to join our email list. We're also on Twitter and Facebook!